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Cinorexia: ('cin-o-reks-ya') A medical condition, whose patients have lost their minds due to the involuntary activation of both optical nerves through loud/ obnoxious/ manipulative propaganda. (such as through a consistent, irrational bombardment via billboards, pop-ups, TV, "newspapers" etc.) Related diseases: Anorexia InToxia Sexia

"Too rupiss saar??" she pleaded.

"Too rupiss saar??" she pleaded. At the red-light. "What for? Why me? In such traffic? How, now? Where's coins?" I fumbled. Being but a beggar myself. "4 baby, saar...!" she pointed, counted. On my behalf, At embryos and then, some older. Barely. Motionless, drugged on boot-polish, perhaps, The baby lies. The toddlers walk. Pouting lips, searching bosoms. I fish out a note. Not disposed to coins. Paper turns to milk, Rice, Green leaves. We smile. Pleaded. Pleased.

"You don't love me!?" she said

"U don't love me!" she said. "You ne'er had. You don't know what "lurve" is, Good thing, at that!" "WTF!?" I muttered, "where the f#*& did this come from? Weren't we just getting naked? To go and to come?" "who d'ya think i am?" she flared. "some kind of slut??" "So, you can reach my navel, From my throat AND my gut? "But, you said you liked it? Or... was that lie? Did you NOT spawn rivers, 'tween your smooth thighs?" "Yeah... ok!", she said. Suitably mello'ed. Remembering the times, when she breathed.. or she blow'd. "Then, what were you saying?", To appease her, i asked. "Do you love me?' she suddenly gasped. (Fade to black) A while later, to just fathom the point. I asked her, if SHE "lurved" me... And we smoked our next joint. ;)

Acquired Intellectual Defensiveness Syndrome (AIDS of the mind)

A new disease is in the air. Which is why not too many folks seem blissful these days, and a sense of simmering unrest looms over every conversation like that proverbial dark cloud, albeit without the silver lining. This fatal disease, is characterized by an amplified "Intellectual Defensiveness" system, which compels its victims to make impressive INTELLECTUAL arguments, that serve as DEFENSIVENESS for their INACTION, when it comes to glaring issues around us. This is AIDS of the mind, and perhaps worse than the other one we know so far and here are some of the common complaints I have heard from patients: "The traffic in Mumbai is terrible! You know how badly people drive?" one AIDS victim says, before he hurriedly leaves in his gas guzzler - horn blaring. "We are becoming too capitalistic, and losing our roots!" another patient proclaims, looking at his Tag Heur, to tell the time - in an era when one really does not need a watch, unless one's cellu...

Ganpati Bappa Moraya

Heaven. Sometime yesterday. Indra, the colourful king of all Hindu Gods, looked weary ( ). He cast his eyes across the room and saw thousands of Ganesha Idols jostling with each other to get a better place so they could clearly hear what Indra was about to say. With every passing year, each idol was getting increasingly larger and needed more space. (There was already talk of taking down an entire Parel flyover, to ensure that one of the Idols could be even taller in the 002009.) They were all there, everyone of them. The Rajas of Lalbaug, Dagdu Sheth, Kumbhaar Road sat in front row, while the little ones from poor homes were relegated to the far corners, with no darshan to Indra. All knew, that it was an important announcement that Indra was scheduled to make, and had made it a point to attend. For the first time, Indra had relied upon a new computer program call P.A.I.S.A. (Pandal Allocation and Impartiality Simulating Algorithm), to decide which G...