All is unwell. (Merry Christmas, Worldspace?)

Pune, Boxing Day, 002006.

Celebration is in the air. Drops of Joy, briskly sell. 
To an audio blind, deluded Nation! 
Which craves short-cuts, on a road to hell.

3 billion idiots in white caps, march. Cheap distractions, that foretell.
Have we lost sense, to 3D glasses?
To really see - all is unwell.

Today, again, the music dies. Flutes, Mozart and sMiles with it.
Though none's bereaved, it's season time.
Worldspace - you showed some grit.
Like those who bled,
Victory's terminus, red.
(Just last year's trivial bit.)

In a nation, that just chose to sit.
And watch, as it's known to do.
Dance moves. Of a podgy twit.
Between the "news",
8 pack sinews.
Candles, that shed tears of shit.

Why need eyes? What for ear?
Billion mouths mime in synchronized fear.
To Jingle bells,
And All eez wells.
The future seems "OH! So near!"

But where are the clowns?
Send in the clowns.
Idiots ain't clowns!
Well, maybe, in next year's.


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