Soap for the Brains

Bright eyed and bushy tailed, 
Brainwashed at acronymn ridden B-School,
I plunged headlong to make big buck.

After years of toeing or being toad,
I bid farewell.
"What"?, some prisoners in pin-stripes always ask.
Unable to understand why,
I have no job,
Nor visiting card,
Nor an income that pays my EMI's,
come the 4th of month.
After month,
After year,
After year.


I was bored in the board-rooms,
Not conned in the conference ones.
Bemused at the slides that were both,
without either Power or Point.
The mediocrity in those Excels,
The tedium in briefs.
The monotony of being chained,
To underintelligent whims of 
Egos that were spawned,
At other acronymn laden schools.

My plastic card, is now
Named after a lesser metal.

Yet, i'm still bright eyed,
And bushy tailed.

But, now. Unbrainwashed,
These eyes can see.

Savon de Marseilles makes the best soaps. 


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