Just another widely publicized impotent "Outrage"...

No wonder, I get raped...
Or butchered while at nursery.
I volunteered, it seems
For that. 

Reams could be printed,
Twits tweeted,
Guns sold,
Toddlers got old,
while being promised

Little wonder, you got enraged...
Or buried before in unholy grave.
Competing stastics,
While at that, that...

Reams have been printed,
Tweets twitted, 
Toddlers aged,
on mastecotomized breasts,
of virgin mothers.

My rapist thee.
Your unwilling slaugheterer,

Both Just, another widely publicized impotent "Out rage". .

And i thought, we could change that.
While at that, that...
Did you,



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